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What is Fill Material?

Fill material is an earth-based material commonly used throughout development and construction projects to fill in a hole or depression in the ground. While fill material can be used to ‘fill’, it can also be used to expand, with other applications being inclusive of artificial mound, grade, and elevation development.

Fill material is commonly seen in highway maintenance when building up highway shoulders and also in low-lying construction sites - being used to level building foundations and reduce the chances of flooding and other negative implications.

Fill materials are often mined from commercial mining sites and include a vast array of materials. Once mined, fill material is typically imported by a supplier and then exported to a project site to the specifications of the project’s geotechnical engineer. While fill material can be utilised across residential settings, many suppliers will only provide bulk fill material services, making it more common across larger commercial applications.

Different types of Fill Material

Whether managing large scale landscaping, construction, and development projects or simply building a retaining wall - fill material is a vital factor in ensuring the quality and longevity of a project. There are a vast array of different types of fill material which all hold different benefits and implications for compaction, foundations, and drainage. Some of the most common Fill Materials include:

Coarse-Grained Soil

Coarse-Grained Soil is a more common form of fill material which consists of large grained materials. When ordering Coarse-Grained Soil as a fill material you can expect to see sandy soil types, gravel soils, or a mixture of both. This form of fill material is ideal for projects requiring compaction and foundational support without sacrificing drainage.

Fine-Grained Soil

While not as common as its coarse counterpart, fine-grained soil has been popularised in construction given its unique properties. Fine-Grained Soil as a fill material is excellent when compaction and foundations are a priority given the materials fine-grain. Consequently, fine-grained soil should not be utilised when seeking a fill material that provides good drainage solutions.


More notably known as ‘crushed’ rock or stone - Rocks are another common fill material. Given its properties, rocks are primarily used as a fill material when drainage is a priority. Rocks and Stones can be frequently seen in driveway construction and as a landscape filler to protect from erosion and aid in superior drainage.

If you are unsure which fill material is best suited to your project, please contact a professional. You can contact our quarry supply professionals at 1300 291 130.

How to calculate Fill Material?

fill material services

The quantity of fill material may vary greatly depending on material type and project scope. To find exact quantities it is recommended you obtain measurements or descriptions and contact a professional.

If you are unsure about calculations, you can contact our quarry supply professionals at 1300 291 130.

Fill Material Supply Services

As one of Australia's leading Fill Material suppliers, you can always be sure you're getting the absolute best in quality and customer service when you work with the team at Boodle's Concrete. After more than 50 years in the construction and earthwork industries, we know the importance of relationships in every aspect of our business. That experience also means we can share our relationship with you, to bring the absolute best materials to your next project.

Boodle’s Concrete services can supply Fill Material all over Queensland. We are based in Chinchilla but are able to supply the surrounding areas, including Brisbane, Toowoomba, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Biddenden, Gayndah, Miles, Roma, Charleville, Biloela, Emerald, Rockhampton, Gladstone and Bundaberg.

To find out more about our quarry supply services or to place an order for Fill Material or other Quarry Supplies, contact us directly on 1300 291 130.



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